30th Annual General Meeting

Edmonton Inn and Conference Centre 11834 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

30th AGM Please Join Us The Kingsway District Association will be hosting our Annual General Meeting on October 20, 2017. Our AGM will take place at the Edmonton Inn & Conference Centre at 11834 Kingsway, from 11:30am to 1:30pm in Courtyard B. We will start the AGM with a review of the activities and programs

30th Business Awards and Celebration Gala

Edmonton Inn and Conference Centre 11834 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

30th Business Awards and Gala Please Join Us his is a Big Year for the Kingsway District Association as we will be Celebrating our 30th Anniversary. I would also like to invite you to join us back at the Edmonton Inn in the Wildrose Ballroom at 6:00pm for our 30th Anniversary Gala and Annual Business Awards. Click here for

Annual Christmas Luncheon

Chateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre 11727 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Cost is $20 cash per person at the door. To R.S.V.P email Cheryl at office@kingswaydistrict.ca or print and fax this form to 780-453-1025; or for more information call 780-454-9716. For more information click here

Luxur Leasing Launch Event

Luxur Fine Cars 11925 Kingsway Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Join us for the official launch of Luxur Leasing, a division of Luxur Fine Cars of Edmonton Ltd. Flexible and affordable Open-End Leasing Programs for Commercial and Consumer needs. We will kick off the new division of Luxur Fine Cars with great food, drinks, and friends. Join us at our open event and meet our


The Lease Coach Lunch & Learn

Edmonton Inn and Conference Centre 11834 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Kingsway District Association is pleased to present our October Lunch & Learn network program. Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the book "Negotiating Commercial Leases & Renewals FOR DUMMIES." Speaker: Jeff Grandfield, The Lease Coach. Co-Author of "Negotiating Commercials Leases & Renewals FOR DUMMIES" Topic: Negotiating your Commercial Lease To register, click here to

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